By Chansa Kunda

The Football Association of Zambia -FAZ – says it will continue to leverage on various partnerships to ensure teams are exposed to top grade facilities in preparation for major tournaments.

FAZ- President ANDREW KAMANGA says international outings that come courtesy of various partnerships are essential in helping teams gain exposure.

KAMANGA says he is hopeful the Chipolopolo’s 10-day training camp in Morocco ahead of next month’s back-to-back World Cup Qualifiers will yield tangible results.

He says the ten days outing is courtesy of the partnership with the Royal Moroccan Football Federation aimed at helping the team acclimatize to similar conditions with the Mauritania whom they face in their first Group B encounter on the 3rd of September.

KAMANGA says the FA is excited at the prospect of seeing the Chipolopolo back in action during the international window adding that the players are on good trajectory as they prepare under the tutelage of Coach BESTON CHAMBESHI and technical advisor ALJOSA

KAMANGA says qualification to the World Cup remains Zambia’s greatest accomplishment and that he is confident with the level of preparations given to the team, they will be able to deliver to the nation’s expectations.

This is contained in a statement from the President’s corner publication obtained by ZNBC Sports News from the FAZ website.

Meanwhile, the Chipolopolo who are currently in Morocco have held a series of training sessions in preparation for the Mauritania and Tunisia games.

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