Entire Kitwe DP Ward Officials Defect to PF

Paul Shalala-The entire Democratic Party -DP- Executive for Kwacha Ward in Kitwe has resigned from their party to join the ruling Patriotic Front.

DP Kwacha Ward Chairperson DAVIES PONDE says his 24-man executive has left the opposition party to join progressive people in -PF- who are delivering development across the country.

Mr. PONDE says the Democratic Party has no future and his executive has left the party in order to help the PF usher President EDGAR LUNGU back in State House during this year’s general election.

And in receiving the executive, PF Kwacha Constituency Chairperson ALEX CHEMBO directed the Ward Chairperson for Kwacha to immediately give positions to all the new members.

Mr. CHEMBO, who is also Kwacha Ward councillor, said the Patriotic Front needs more members so that campaigning for the general election can become easier.

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