Chinsali Council apprves K58m budget

(By Mapalo Lupupa)-The Chinsali Municipal Council has adopted a K58.5m Output Based Budget for the year 2023.

Council Assistant Public Relations Manager LOLAVYE SIMUKOKO says the Budget was adopted during an Ordinary Council meeting.

Mr. SIMUKOKO says the adoption of the Budget follows stakeholder engagements that were conducted during the budget development and review process .

Mr. SIMUKOKO says the budget covers a broad range of projects including Capital projects such as construction of a waste disposal site, works on roads and drainages .

He says the budget further covers construction of shelters at checkpoints and barriers, installation of Flood Lights at Chinsali Main market and construction of a Play Park among others.

He adds that the Budget is aligned to the Eighth National Development Plan, Chinsali Municipal Council’s Strategic Plan, and Community aspirations informed by the local people through community engagements.

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