Author: Zambia Report

RTSA Dispel Speed Camera Damage Report

ROAD TRANSPORT AND SAFETY AGENCY PUBLIC NOTICE ALLEGED VANDALISM ON SPEED CAMERAS Lusaka, Wednesday 17 October 2018: The Road Transport and Safety Agency wishes to inform the public that the images circulating on social media alleging that one of the speed cameras on Great East road was vandalised are not true. The agency is however…

Copperbelt Energy Sells Off its 50% Stake in CEC Liquid

The Copperbelt Energy Corporation (CEC) has sold off its 50 percent shares in CEC Liquid Telecommunication Limited (CEC Liquid Telecom) to pan-African telecoms group, Liquid Telecommunication Holdings Limited (Liquid Telecom). The disposal of shares by Copperbelt Energy Cooperation brings to an end the long standing relations that span from 2011 as equal partners in the…

Pres. Lungu Leads National Day of Prayer

President Edgar Lungu led hundreds of people in Kabwe Town on observing the National Day of Prayer and Fasting. The well attended event drew participation across the wider spectrum of society with prayers offered for different aspects of Zambian life. President Lungu attended purely as an observer as he promised at last year’s event to…

AU Top Brass Raises Flag on Anti-China Crusade

Press statement For Immediate Release 18/10/18 AFRICAN UNION MEMBER STATES DEMAND AN END TO THE NEGATIVE PUBLICITY ON CHINA AFRICA DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION African Union Member States have expressed concern at the negative perception of Chinese cooperation with Africa. The Members States are concerned at what they called BASHING OF CHINESE COOPERATION WITH AFRICA from some sectors of…

Zambians in India Join in National Day of Prayers

ZAMBIAN diplomats accredited to India and Zambians resident in India have prayed for common challenges affecting Zambia and India such as fuel and weakening currencies. Zambia’s High Commissioner to India Judith Kapijimpanga said the rising crude oil prices had pushed both the Zambian Kwacha and the Indian Rupee down with this year the Rupee falling…

ZIBSIP Lecturers Down Tools Again

Lectures at the Zambia Institute of Business Studies and Industrial (ZIBSIP) Practice have stayed of teaching demanding their four months salary arrears pay. A check at the institution found lectures just idling around campus while students staged a peaceful protest demanding an explanation from management as to why they have not been learning. National Union…
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