ZIBSIP Lecturers Down Tools Again

Lectures at the Zambia Institute of Business Studies and Industrial (ZIBSIP) Practice have stayed of teaching demanding their four months salary arrears pay.

A check at the institution found lectures just idling around campus while students staged a peaceful protest demanding an explanation from management as to why they have not been learning.

National Union of Technical Education Lecturers and Allied Workers Chairman Felix Sikaonga said lecturers have been patient enough and management doesn’t seem bothered to pay them their dues.

Meanwhile, students have complained that the sit in protest by the lectures has negatively affected them.

“We have not been learning for some time, each time we come for classes we are given excuses. I think this is affecting us, our calendar has been greatly affected we just need government to quickly move and resolve whatever problems,” one of the students lamented.

Meanwhile, District Commissioner Binwell Mpundu has met the lecturers who have assured him that they will resume work.

Mpundu engaged both lecturers and students to ensure that lessons resume on Friday with an assurance that Higher Education Minister Prof. Nkandu Luo will visit the institution.

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