RTSA Dispel Speed Camera Damage Report




Lusaka, Wednesday 17 October 2018: The Road Transport and Safety Agency wishes to inform the public that the images circulating on social media alleging that one of the speed cameras on Great East road was vandalised are not true. The agency is however aware of a story published by The Citizen of South Africa dated Tuesday 17 October 2018 in which a speed camera was vandalised in that country. Follow the full story here https://goo.gl/b6DiFt

The speed cameras in place are tamper proof with in-built auto-detection systems. The public is also encouraged to alert the agency of any suspicious activities around the speed cameras. Malicious damage to public property is a criminal offence with far reaching consequences and the agency is working closely with Zambia Police in monitoring the speed cameras to prevent any acts of economic sabotage. The agency further wishes to remind members of the public that road safety is of great importance to all well-meaning Zambians and the main objective of Road Safety Law Enforcement under the Road Safety Management System is to save lives.

Since the commencement of camera enforcement on 11th July 2018, we have observed a significant increase in speed limit compliance to as high as 99% on selected roads.

Kindly take this as official notification.

Issued by Public Relations Unit 7th Floor, Premium House, RTSA, Lusaka.

EDITOR’S NOTE: We apologize to and RTSA and our esteemed followers for having published the earlier story where we reported that a RTSA Speed Camera had been damaged along Great East Road. Any inconvenience is deeply regretted.

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