Agriculture Minister Katambo Goes To Court

Minister of Agriculture and Masaiti PF member of parliament Micheal Zondani Katambo has sued Masaiti councillor Delight Mutale for defamation.

Mr. Katambo has stated in his statement of claim that Mr. Mutale accused him of being the richest Cabinet Minister, implying that he was a thief.

He further said Mr. Mutale made claims that he is a cruel and inhuman person who has abandoned his family.

He is now asking the Lusaka High Court to order Mutale to award him damages for defamation of character, punitive damages, damages for mental distress and anguish over the defendant’s statement that he is a thief who has been stealing taxpayers’ money.

Mr. Katambo also wants the court to order Mr. Mutale to apologise via print, in the Daily Mail newspaper, which he said has the biggest circulation countrywide.

The statement of claim states that Mr. Mutale, between September 2019 and January 2020, caused to be issued slanderous statements against Mr. Katambo to various persons where the latter had no opportunity to respond to the allegations made against him.

The allegations were that Mr. Katambo was the richest Cabinet minister who has amassed wealth using his privileged position and that he was a thief who has been stealing taxpayers’ money.

The applicant has said the words uttered by Mr. Mutale were also understood to mean that he has failed to run the affairs of his constituency and is unfit to hold the office of Member of Parliament as he lacks respect for traditional leaders.

Mr. Katambo stated that he has also suffered loss, humiliation and

ridicule and now wants the court to order Mr. Mutale to pay him interest on any amount found due.

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News source: Zambia Reports

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