Adopt Reading Culture for Development- Wina

Vice President Inonge Wina has urged Zambians to adopt an improved reading culture that will enhance knowledge and development.Mrs. Wina says there is need for the public to utilise the National Archive to know the history of the country and preserve it for future generations.The Vice President has since directed Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo to ensure the National Archive serves its purpose in informing the masses.Mrs. Wina was speaking at the launch of the Gallery Exhibition of the Office of the Vice President at the National Archives of Zambia.And Mrs. Wina noted that the exhibition will allow the public to understand and know the role of the office of the Vice President.She further said the landmark decision by President Edgar Lungu to appoint a Female Vice President shows his commitment to having an inclusive government.Mrs. Wina also gave tribute to her predecessors.And Former Vice President Nevers Mumba said the appointment of a female Vice president adds detail to the office.Dr. Mumba noted that the country’s development is incomplete without the input of a woman.And Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo appealed to Freedom fighters to avail their records to the National Archive for storage in the National data base.Meanwhile, National Archives of Zambia Director, Chileshe Musukuma said the institution continues to serve its purpose as the memory of the nation.Mrs. Musukuma also implored Zambians and the media to improve the reading culture by visiting the national archive to bridge the information gap. Post Views: 4
News Source: ZNBC

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