By Etambuyu Katota-

The Anti Corruption Commission – ACC- has called on stakeholders sampled in the 2022 Zambia Bribe Payers Index – ZBPI survey to cooperate with research assistants who will be collecting data.

Acting ACC Director General SILUMESI MUCHULA says public procurement has raised a lot of concerns from various stakeholders.

Speaking during the launch of the survey in Lusaka today, Mr. MUCHULA assured participating stakeholders that the information they provide will be confidential.

He said the fight against corruption is for everyone and it requires a more responsive action.

And Transparency International Zambia – TIZ- Executive Director MAURICE NYAMBE said the 2022 ZBPI survey which will run up to August is meant to generate empirical anti corruption data that will allow stakeholders to design and implement appropriate interventions.

Mr. NYAMBE said the survey will also assist the UPND administration provide insight into their efforts to fight corruption.

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