Government has suspended operations for nine manganese mining firms in Serenje for abrogating their licenses.

The nine have since been ordered to stop using charcoal in processing of manganese.

Green Economy Minister COLLINS NZOVU has further tasked the mining firms to put in place dust suppressing measures.

Mr. NZOVU has further ordered the nine firms to install a continuous online and real time air monitoring equipment and transmit to the Zambia Environmental Management Agency -ZEMA- every six months.

And Mr. NZOVU has also ordered six mining firms in Mkushi district to cease processing of manganese because of their operations’ adverse effects on the environment.

Mr. NZOVU has also ordered the six to restore the environment they have destroyed as a result of going against the ZEMA regulations.

He says the restoration measures include cleaning Chibefwe Stream, afforestation and restoration of the degraded land.

In a statement to ZNBC News, Mr. NZOVU stated that the increase in illegal mining activities in Serenje and Mkushi have the potential to bring about various environmental consequences.

The Minister has also expressed regret that some foreign mining firms have opted to betray the trust that Zambians have given them by disregarding conditions of licenses.

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