By Patricia Banda- Health Permanent Secretary KENNEDY MALAMA has announced that 4.4 million doses of JOHNSON and JOHNSON Covid-19 vaccine will arrive in the country starting next month.

Dr. MALAMA has also announced that Zambia is going to receive 100,000 doses of Sinopharm vaccines under the Covax facility.

He disclosed this during the Covid-19 update in Lusaka today.

And Dr. MALAMA said breast feeding and expectant mothers can receive the Covid-19 vaccine once it is made available to them.

And Zambia has recorded 1,619 cases of COVID 19.

This is out of 6,485 tests conducted in the last 24 hours.

Dr. MALAMA said Government is concerned that Eastern province has continued to record high cases of COVID 19.

He also announced that in the last 24hours, the country recorded 67 new deaths.

Dr MALAMA said Government is worried that some patients are being brought to health centers when their conditions have already worsened.

He further disclosed that 25 business houses which include bars were last night closed for failure to comply with Covid 19 health guidelines.

Meanwhile, Southern Africa Region Africa Centre for Disease Control Regional Coordinator LUL RIEK said there is need for communities to take responsibility in the fight against COVID 19 because the infections are now at community level.

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