13 trucks seized for overloading

By Mary Kachepa

Thirteen Trucks have been impounded for over-loading at Solwezi Weigh Bridge.

Three of the trucks have been fined over six hundred thousand kwacha each because they had an overload of 31 tonnes.

Ten Trucks were fined an average of K59,000.

And Road Development Agency -RDA- Operations Manager Northern Region DERRICK LUBASI says the Agency has observed that the stretch has a lot of overloads especially on tipper trucks due to mining activities in the Province.

Mr. LUBASI has advised owners and drivers of tipper Trucks to understand the recommended weight limits for their vehicles to avoid being penalised.

He was speaking during a sensitisation programme against carrying weights beyond prescribed limits at Solwezi Weigh Bridge in North Western Province.

And most of the drivers said they did not know the weight limits of their vehicles.

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