ZNBC Conferred with recognition award

Hector Simfukwe-The World Health Organization -WHO- has conferred the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation -ZNBC- with a recognition award for its contribution in promoting health issues in the country.

ZNBC Head of Corporate Affairs ANNE MUKABE says the award has been issued by the United Nations Inter-Agency task force on non Communicable Diseases.

And director of the world health organization TEDROS ADHANOM GHEBREYESUS has congratulated the national broadcaster for its outstanding contribution towards the non-communicable diseases related sustainable development goals.

Mrs. MUKABE said ZNBC management is elated with the recognition and has pledged to continue serving the Zambian people in all areas of human endeavour, especially in health.

This is contained in a statement made available to ZNBC news in Lusaka.

Meanwhile ZNBC has requested for support from the Japanese International Corporation Agency -JICA- with Machinery to convert data that is stored on analogue tapes into the digital system.

Director General MALOLELA LUSAMBO says the footage that is still stored on the tapes is important and will be beneficial for future generations, which is why it needs to be digitized.

Mr. LUSAMBO says majority of the data is about Zambia’s history and Presidential footage among others.

He was speaking when a team from JICA paid a Courtesy call on him, shortly before touring the ZNBC radio studios, conversion studios and finance department.

And JICA Permanent Representative KAZUHIKO TOKUHASHI said his agency closely follows news and other current affairs documentaries on ZNBC to stay informed.

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