Zamtel Chief Executive Officer SYDNEY MUPETA has appealed to Zambians to get fully vaccinated against Covid-19 as the country begins administering another round of vaccines today.

Speaking at OYDC Zambia in Lusaka shortly after receiving his second dose of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccination, Mr. MUPETA said vaccination offers an added layer of protection against Covid-19.

He said it is important that more people receive the vaccinations whilst adhering to Covid-19 protocols in order to allow life and businesses to return to normal.

Mr. MUPETA also commended government through the Ministry of Health for rolling out the Covid-19 vaccination campaign.

He said vaccine hesitancy should not be encouraged going by the high number of people that have lost their lives due to Covid-19.

The Ministry of Health has announced that it will begin administering another round of Dose 1 of the AstraZeneca vaccine today.

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