Zambia to have Normal Rainfall

Zambia is likely to receive normal to above normal rainfall according to the  2019/2020 rainfall season forecast.Transport and Communications Minister Mutotwe Kafwaya says the country will in the next rainfall forecast receive most of the rains in the months of November, December 2019, January and March 2020, respectively.Mr. Kafwaya revealed that in the last three months of 2019, most parts of the country will receive normal to above normal rainfall, except for the North-eastern parts of the country. He cited Isoka, Chama, Mpika, Mbala, and Nakonde, Mpulungu, Chinsali, Mungwi and Lundazi as some of the districts that will record normal to below normal rainfall. The Minister disclosed that the southern half of the country is likely to receive above normal rainfall in the period of November, December and January.Mr. Kafwaya  noted that the northern half of the country is likely to receive normal to above normal rainfall, with the exception of the north-eastern areas which are likely to receive normal to below normal rainfall. The Minister stated that the southern half of the country is likely to experience dry spells around February 2020, while other parts of the country are likely to record floods and flash floods in flood prone areas. Post Views: 2
News Source: ZNBC

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