What’s Simataa with you?…Simataa tells off FAZ, goes to Public Protector?

FOOTBALL Administrator Simataa Simataa yesterday said the Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) Ethics and Integrity Committee had no jurisdiction to summon him.
Simataa said Football House rejected his application to be registered as an official of City of Lusaka, saying the summons amounted to unwarranted harassment which he would report to the Office of the Public Protector.
He said he would report FAZ president Andrew Kamanga along with general secretary Ponga Liwewe and his deputy Adrian Kashala, the entire executive and Ethics Committee to the Office of the Public Protector for sanctioning his being summoned to the Ethics Committee.
Simataa said in an interview after he appeared before Ethics and Integrity Committee at Cool Breeze Lodge in Lusaka that the committee had no jurisdiction over him because Football House rejected his application to be registered.
“I don’t qualify to be their member and if I do then anybody on the streets can be a FAZ member even those that play Madaala’s and school football. FAZ declined my registration as an appointed official. They only dealt with Kaitano Chungu’s registration,” Simataa said.
The committee comprised chairperson Kephas Katongo, Frederick Chalenga and Kizzy Moonga.
“I am protected under the public interest declaration Act no 3 of 2012 and as such their letter and hearing amounts to threat, intimidation and harassment. The Act protectors’ whistleblowers and I am reporting all of them in their individual capacity,” Simataa said.
Simataa said FAZ had no Code of Ethics on keeping article 60(3) of the FAZ constitution and that there being no code of ethics revocation of FIFA required an executive committee according to article 79 on force majeure.
“The commissioners are all conflicted towards me. One is a family friend. Chairman shared a watch group with me and is also a friend to Kamanga and cannot be impartial. The chairman is also on the league restructuring committee and cannot also be in the ethics committee. He should not belong to any body within FAZ,” Simataa said.
He added that the committee could not sit to judge him on ethics when they had not fulfilled constitutional provision no 58(3) which demanded that they be subjected to integrity tests prior to appointment.
“The committee are law breakers themselves. When did they go through the integrity test when the compliance and audit committee was just approved at the annual general meeting (AGM) in March,” Simataa said.
Meanwhile, Nkana president Evaristo Kabila, who also appeared to before the committee yesterday, said he was innocent and ready for any verdict.
Kabila said he had not done anything wrong and considered himself innocent on the matter.
“The only thing I said was that if the allegations (against the FAZ) were true then it is worrisome and I see nothing wrong with that,” Kabila said.
He added that he was ready for any verdict that would be passed by the Ethics and Integrity Committee.

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