UPND cadres beat DC

SUSPECTED United Party for National Development (UPND) supporters in Kasempa yesterday attacked Kasempa District Commissioner (DC) Goodson Sansakuwa and two others for allegedly being Patriotic Front (PF) sympathisers.
The incident happened around 10:00 hours at Senior Chief Kasempa’s palace when UPND president Hakainde Hichilema went to pay a courtesy call on the traditional leader.
The other two who were beaten were Kasempa Royal Establishment secretary Mathews Yalukanda and Senior Chief Kasempa’s younger sister, who were found at the palace by the cadres, who accused them of being PF supporters.
Mr Hichilema arrived in Kasempa on Monday afternoon on a campaign trail to drum up support for UPND candidate Kipayila Matolokoshi in the Nkenyauna ward by-election taking place tomorrow.http://epaper.daily-mail.co.zm/

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