Tokota Boys Continue Defence

Three of the 18 members of the Tokota Boys have accused the police of having framed them in a matter they are charged with offences contrary to the laws of Zambia.

The trio was presenting its defence before Kitwe Court Judge in charge who found them with a case to answer.

This is in a matter in which 18 gang members of the Tokota Boys are charged with three counts of Abduction or Kidnapping, Poisoning and unlawful wounding and causing grievous harm to 17 year old Cuthdeck Nkonde contrary to the laws of Zambia.

When the matter up for continued defence, 20 year old David Katete, told the Court that during identification parade, he heard a police officer telling the complainant to identify all those with black number tags of which he was among them.

“I was arrested while I was waiting for a motor vehicle to go to Chimwemwe after I had received a call that my aunty was unwell, I was taken to Kitwe Central Police where I was questioned and locked up. The officers later took me to the cell were I found some people and I decided to sleep, on 9 May, I was taken to room 17 were I found three boys and an officer, I came to know the three as Cathbeck Nkonde, Libikani Phiri and Musonda Semba who were later asked if they knew me but they denied having seen me anywhere,” he narrated.

Another suspect Lucky Mwaba told the Court that he was arrested by the Community Crime Prevention Unit (CCPU) on allegation that he was too stubborn.

He claimed that he was in Chingola visiting his auntie who was unwell at the time the video of Cuthdbeck Nkonde being beaten was taken.

And Wisdom Chilekwa another suspect narrated before court that he was only implicated because he refused to pay a K 3,000 that officers purported would help him get released from the suspects list.

However, the three suspects struggled to defend their statements during cross examinations.

Defence in the matter continues on Monday.

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