Tag: Emmanuel Mwamba

Be an empty cup, willing and ready to be filled with knowledge

By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba Everytime I write a motivational or experiential article, I receive diverse reactions and feedback. “Uplifting, helpful, motivational, insightful, helpful”. But it is different when the article is about advise on business, entrepreneurship or investment. I notice certain readers take great exception and quickly begin to comment; ” You are a worker…

Treat others with respect all the time

By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba We were at a senior Ambassador’s residence for a working dinner in Pretoria. We were about 10 or so African ambassadors invited to attend dinner and observe Africa Day. During our time at the dinner table, this old man,from a francophone country, by his actions towards me, seemed to have  identified…

Zambian diplomat based at African Union dies

A ZAMBIAN Diplomat based at African Union, Mrs. Linda Siamanjime- Ramokate has died. Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the African Union, His Excellency Emmanuel Mwamba has confirmed the sad development. He said Mrs. Siamanjime -Ramokate died of a suspected Asthma attack on Sunday morning. He said initial reports indicated that she was…

Zambians in Ethiopia Celebrate 55th Independence Anniversary

ZAMBIANS resident in Ethiopia led by ambassador to Ethiopia, His Excellency Emmanuel Mwamba celebrated Zambia’s 55th Independence Anniversary at a colourful ceremony held at Skylight Hotel. The event was graced by invited foreign diplomats and other dignitaries. And in his address to the guests, Mr. Mwamba sent messages of congratulations on behalf of His Excellency…
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