NAPSA pays out K5.7 billion

By Ruth Chayinda The National Pension Scheme Authority -NAPSA – has so far paid out 5.7 billion kwacha to over 214,000 partial pre-retirement beneficiaries. And NAPSA Head of Corporate Affairs CEPHAS SINYANGWE says the authority has continued to carry out inspections in different companies to check on compliance on the remittance of NAPSA contributions. Mr.

NAPSA Pays Out One Billion Kwacha

By Beatrice Mfula The National Pension Scheme Authority -NAPSA- has crossed the ONE Billion kwacha mark in pay outs for the 20-percent partial withdraw of pensions. NAPSA Head Corporate Affairs CEPHAS SINYANGWE has confirmed the development. Mr. SINYANGWE says over one billion kwacha has been paid to 30,636 people by yesterday. He adds that the
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