A 54-year-old man of Swiss nationality has been arrested in Lusaka for attempting to export assorted repackaged and rebranded medicines without a permit.

DANIEL WALDVOGEL had attempted to export 190 boxes of Aspirin delayed release tablets and 388 boxes of famical-D Tablets, among other drugs.

Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority – ZAMRA- Senior Public Relations Officer, CHRISTABEL ILLIAMUPU has confirmed the arrest of WALDVOGEL in a statement.

Ms ILLIAMUPU has explained that WALDVOGEL, a Director at Health Support Zambia, a registered pharmaceutical company, was intercepted at the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport in Lusaka.

She says WALDVOGEL failed to provide an export permit, authorising his export of the assorted medical products.

Ms ILLIAMUPU said ZAMRA will also take regulatory action against Health Support Zambia for contravening standards of pharmaceutical practice.

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