Stop being childish and pay back the monies you accrued, Govt tells Kambwili

Chishimba Kambwili

Chief Government spokesperson Kampamba Mulenga has described as childish the assertions by outspoken Roan Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili that President Edgar Lungu should pay back the money he got paid when he stayed as Minister when parliament was dissolved.

Mulenga, who took over as Information Minister when Kambwili was fired, laughed at the claim by the Roan parliamentarian that he was forced to stay in office illegally, wondering why he did not object.

She said if Kambwili knew that he was being forced to do something wrong and did not object, then his credibility must be questioned.

The NDC political consultant has claimed that he was forced to stay in office after parliament was dissolved ahead of last year’s general elections, hence the responsibility to pay back the money he accrued during his stay was not his but that of President Lungu.

Mulenga however said it was childish for Kambwili to claim that he was forced to stay in office when he has always claimed to be a man of integrity.

“Mr Kambwili is a bully who has always been ranting that nobody can intimidate him, but what has changed after being fired? He should just pay because if he knew he was forced, he could have refused and if he was really forced to do things he knew were wrong, then his credibility is questionable,” Mulenga said.


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