July 19, 2018

Zambian DNA is concerned with some politicians’ ill-conceived agenda of agitating for a regime change.

We have noted how the opposition political parties have abandoned their role of providing checks and balances to Government in favour of name-calling, witch-hunting and character-assassination.

It also sad that the said cartel’s ill-conceived agenda for a regime change is anchored on peddling falsehoods, especially against President Edgar Lungu and other Government officials.

Indeed, we are alive to the fact that every Zambian enjoys then freedom of expression and the media.

However, some politicians are abusing their freedom of expression and the media by peddling falsehoods against Government officials in an attempt to erode the Zambian people’s confidence in President Lungu and his Government, and influence public opinion.

It’s abundantly clear that the Zambian people still want President Lungu to continue governing beyond 2021, and do not desire any regime change.

It also crystal clear who the Zambian people do not want to govern them, given the number of times they (Zambians) have rejected some opposition political party leaders in the last twenty years.

The governing PF remains the party of choice for the Zambian people as evidenced in the recently held by-elections countrywide in which it scooped almost all seats.

Further, we are confident that it will scoop all the forthcoming by-elections as well.

More so, President Lungu has demonstrated exemplary leadership to take development to all parts of the country without leaving anyone behind.

We advise opposition political party leaders to abandon their ill-conceived agenda for a regime change, and revert to their role of providing checks and balances to Government.

We also urge all patriotic Zambians to rally behind President Lungu as he means well for the country.

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Read this article from the original source: STATEMENT ON THE ILL-CONCEIVED AGENDA FOR A REGIME CHANGE.

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