Star Times, ZNBC in Conditional Merger

A new era has dawned on ZNBC with the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission granting conditional authorization to the proposed merger between Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation and Hantex International Corporation Limited which is controlled by Startimes International Holdings Limited.

This follows a request for the merger of the two entities, to the CCPC by Top Star (VJ) on 20th June 2018.

The Board of Commissioners noted that the Zambian Government had obtained a loan towards the implementation of the Digital Migration, which has to be repaid and there is no law on Digital Migration Top Star is amenable to the Competition and Consumer Protection Act among others.

CCPC has further directed that Top Star shall perform the functions of the public signal distributor while ZNBC shall perform the Subscriber Management Services and content provision services.

ZNBC has undergone massive infrastructural upgrade since the partnership with Top Star took effect.

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