Stand up to Vote out violence says Andyford Mayele Banda

PEOPLE’S Alliance for Change Presidential Candidate Andyford Mayele Banda has condemned the violence that occured in Mtendere yesterday where a video has emerged showing PF cadres attacking UPND cadres who were campaigning in the area.

Mr. Banda said it’s difficult for his political party to comprehend how violence plays a role in the democracy of this country. He has however advised voters not to be discouraged by scenes of violence but instead be inspired to turn up in numbers and vote a new leadership that will focus more on driving the economy to real job creation, empowerment of small businesses and promote peace and unity.

Mr. Banda further said what the country needs is a complete overhaul of the politics and bring about politics that will focus on the people as opposed to individuals.

Commenting further on the judgement by the constitution court which ruled that Ministers and Deputy Ministers vacate their positions and pay back all the benefits, Mr. Banda said he welcomed the judgement and he hoped that the judgement can go further and consider all decisions illegal made by the Ministers and Deputy Minster during their illegal stay.

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