“Stand Up Against Insults”

Patriotic Front  National Youth Chairperson Kelvin Sampa  has called on youths to stand up against opposition leaders who are in the habit of insulting the Head of State.Mr. Sampa says the party will not remain mute and watch the President being disrespected.And Mr. Sampa says the PF Members in Lusaka will be presenting a petition to NDC leader Chishimba Kambwili’s residence on Friday.Receiving a petition from Lusaka Central Constituency PF Members, Mr. Sampa said the PF will not allow people to insult office of the Presidency regardless who occupies it.Mr. Sampa  thanked PF members for standing up to defend and protect the President.And PF Lusaka Province Chairman Paul Moonga said the ruling party will not allow people to disrespect the President.Mr. Moonga said all well-meaning Zambians must stand up to condemn the continued insults on the President by some opposition leaders.And PF Lusaka Province Youth Chairman Daniel Kalembe said Mr. Kambwili must apologies to Zambians and to the people of  Chawama.Mr. Kalembe also called for unity among Zambian youths during this period of petitioning against Mr.Chishimba Kambwili.Meanwhile, Lusaka Central Constituency Chairman Angel Musonda said the constituency will not allow people disrespecting the Head of State. Post Views: 6
News Source: ZNBC

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