Shocking the world, Donald Trump wins US presidency



Donald Trump is set to become the 45th President of the United States of America, according to CNN projections monitored by Zambian Eye.

His upset win over Democrat Hillary Clinton has been touted as a victory for outsiders that represents a stunning repudiation of Washington’s political establishment.

And his rival Clinton, long considered a firm favourite, has skipped the traditional concession speech, instead choosing to call Trump to concede defeat.

Trump, who campaigned on the platform of an outsider fighting against the establishment, needed an almost perfect run through the swing states — and he got it, winning Ohio, North Carolina and Florida.

The Republican swept to victory over Clinton in the ultimate triumph for a campaign that repeatedly shattered the conventions of politics to pull off a remarkable upset.

Speaking at a victory party in New York, Trump was gracious toward Clinton and called for unity.

“We owe (Clinton) a very major debt of gratitude to her for her service to our country,” Trump said. “I say it is time for us to come together as one united people.”

He added: “I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans.”

The billionaire real estate magnate won with 289 electoral votes compared to 218 for Clinton, according to CNN projections.

Trump, 70, will be the oldest president ever sworn in for a first term and will take the helm of a nation left deeply divided by his scorched-earth campaign. His victory was built on fierce anger at the Washington establishment and political elites among his grass-roots voters, many of whom feel they are the victims of a globalized economy that has resulted in the loss of millions of jobs.

His victory ends Clinton’s crusade to become the first woman to ever rise to the nation’s highest office. It’s a humiliating chapter in the long political career of Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

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