RTSA impounds several vehicles in Lusaka

By Lucky Phiri

The Road Transport and Safety Agency -RTSA- has impounded several vehicles due to non-compliance with road traffic rules and regulations in various parts of Lusaka.

This was in an enforcement exercise conducted between 22:00 hours last evening and 05:00 hours this morning.

And RTSA Board Chairperson ALLEN MATE has warned motorists against getting excited on the road this festive season.

Mr. MATE says RTSA has also enhanced the number of deployed patrol vehicles in Lusaka from SIX to FOURTEEN.

He has told ZNBC News that this in a bid to improve road safety and compliance levels this festive season.

Mr. MATE said the road safety enforcement team is NOT only aimed at checking for compliance levels BUT also educating road users.

Meanwhile, RTSA Chief Executive Officer AMON MWEEMBA described the compliance levels in Lusaka as average.

Mr. MWEEMBA said going forward; the agency will be conducting road safety patrols on a daily basis.

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