RTSA calls for safety of pupils as School open on Monday

THE Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) has urged parents and guardians to ensure that pupils do not use trucks or open vans as Schools open on Monday.
RTSA Head of Public Relations Frederick Mubanga has cautioned that such kind of vehicles compromise road safety of travelers.
In a statement to Mwebantu today, Mubanga said parents and guardians should ensure that pupils use appropriate modes of transport when returning to school.
He said there is an anticipated increase in traffic on the road as most pupils return back from holiday and others heading to various boarding schools across the couutry.
“The increase in the number of vehicles using the road during this period poses a great risk to all road users is traffic rules and regulations are not adhered to. RTSA has observed that trucks are often used for transportation of people contrary to the traffic rules and regulations,” Mubanga said.
He said appropriate modes of transport such as buses should be used to avoid road traffic accidents which in the past have resulted in tragedies in which many lives have been lost.
And Mubanga has further cautioned all Public Service Vehicle (PSV) drivers to observe appropriate speed limits to avoid any road traffic accidents during this period and beyond.

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