Pres. Lungu Stays Clear of Provincial Chair Endorsement Claims

President Edgar Lungu says he has not anointed anyone for the Lusaka Province chairmanship race.

The Head of State was put in the spot by a Patriotic Front member Mubanga Chimfwembe in a random interaction as he officiated at the Total Headquarters launch.

President Lungu said he would allow the candidates to slug it out without any interference from his office.

“Ine cimo nomufyashi, bonse bana bandi tapali eo napata (I am like a parent to all, they are all my children, I don’t hate anyone).  Mubanga my sister you are holding my hand, have I endorsed you?  Or does it mean I have endorsed or anointed you?”  President Lungu asked.

“If I had a candidate I would have put an interim Provincial Executive Committee in place, but I have not, I only dissolved the Committee.”

With the heat getting higher in the run up to the provincial chairmanship, candidates have been falling over each other claiming Presidential endorsement.

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