By Hector Simfukwe

President EDGAR LUNGU says all political parties will be expected to play by the rules of the electoral process as the country goes to the polls in August this year.

He says the problem that Zambia has been facing during election is failure by the losing parties to accept results.

President LUNGU says it is unfortunate that people have always claimed that elections are rigged without providing evidence.

He says instead of blaming others, those who lose election should learn to go to the drawing boards and re-strategise.

President LUNGU says the European Union -EU- should help Zambia by making political players understand that they can only be one winner in an election.

The Head of State says Zambia will welcome EU Election observers and allow them to work freely.

He said this when he met Ambassadors from the EU who were led by their delegation leader JACEK JANKOWSKI.

The President also informed the EU that the Electoral Commission of Zambia and the Ministry of Health may need to formulate new rules of gathering in order to avoid the third wave of Covid 19.

And President LUNGU said talks between Zambia and the IMF are still on.

He said Zambia and the EU will continue working together to overcome global challenges such as poverty.

And speaking earlier Mr. JANKOWSKI praised President LUNGU for his commitment to hold free and fair elections.

He said the EU will deploy electoral observers who will arrive in July further saying they are determined to create a level playing field so that Zambia can have credible elections.

Mr. JANKOWSKI also said the EU will support Governments response to Covid 19.

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