Political Parties Battle for 16 Ward Elections

Political parties will have an opportunity to test their likability to the electorate when they contest the 16 ward elections that are underway.

Campaigns have been going on with the intensity in some areas giving an impression of higher stakes despite being a local government contest.

The ruling Patriotic Front will be testing whether its dominance still holds ahead of its competitors while their bitterest rival the UPND also are hot their heels.

It is the newly formed National Democratic Congress (NDC) that will be in the spotlight with their inaugural baptism in electioneering on the cards.

The NDC has done all the talking and will now have to walk their talk to see if their message has sunk with the electorate.

Elections will be held in Luapula, Kansuswa, Chiweza, Chiwuyu, Ntumbachushi, Munwa, Nampundwe, Mikunku, Kalebe, Kakoma, Kanongo, Mushima, Kalilele, Mudyanyama, Mwanza East and Lealui Lower wards.

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