Police arrest 35 year old man for defiling a four year old girl

Esther Mwata Katondo

LUSAKA, 4th May, 2017 – We have apprehended a male adult identified as Boyd Tembo aged 35 years of Chainda for allegedly defiling a four years old female juvenile also of Chainda Compound. This occurred on 3rd May 2017 at about 18 00 hours in Chainda Compound.

The accused who is well known in the neighbourhood and in a habit of playing with children picked the victim from her parents home and allegedly defiled her. The victim sustained bruises on her private parts. The suspect is currently detained in police custody Charged with Defilement Contrary to Section 138 of the Penal Code Cap 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

In another development, we have arrested a woman of Lusaka’s Chipata Compound identified as Elizabeth Nakazwe aged 27 years for allegedly killing her one day old infant. This occurred on 03rd May,2017 at about 09 00 hours in Chipata Compound. The suspect is alleged to have given birth to her baby boy on 02nd May, 2017 at about 15 00 hours and later killed it the following day at about 0900 hours and buried the body between the wall fence and the toilet in her yard.

Police exhumed the body and deposited it in UTH Mortuary. The suspect is currently in Police custody charged with Infanticide which is contrary to section 203 of the Penal Code Cap 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

A male identified as Emmanuel Mukumbi aged between 20 and 25 years of Lusaka West drowned Yesterday 03rd May, 2017 at about 19 00 hours after falling in a ditch filled with water. This happened when the victim was talking on phone hence did not notice that there was a ditch in front of him.
The body has been retrieved and deposited in UTH mortuary.


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