PF Members jostle for the Presidency of the party

By Paul Shalala

Eight Patriotic Front members have filed in their nominations to contest the party’s presidency.

The PF presidency fell vacant after the 2021 general election when former President EDGAR LUNGU left active politics.

Those who have so far filed in are leader of the opposition in Parliament BRIAN MUNDUBILE, Central Committee Members CHISHIMBA KAMBWILI, CHITALU CHILUFYA, EMMANUEL MWAMBA and GEOFFREY MWAMBA.

Others are former Agriculture Minister GREYFORD MONDE, former Transport Minister MUTOTWE KAFWAYA and Matero Member of Parliament MILES SAMPA.

Nominations close at midnight tonight.

PF Acting Secretary General NIXON CHILANGWA has told ZNBC News in a telephone interview that the former ruling party is scheduled to go for an extraordinary General Conference in the first quarter of next year.

Mr. CHILANGWA said the Central Committee will scrutinise the names and allow the approved candidates to campaign in provinces.

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