PF Members In Opposition Strongholds Are Sell-Outs – Dr. Chanda

Bwana Mkumbwa Member of Parliament Dr Jonas Chanda has accused some PF members in opposition strongholds for lack of loyalty in the just held local government by elections.

Dr Chanda said some of the results received in some areas especially in opposition strongholds do not reflect the number of officials on the structures.

He has charged that some Patriotic Front Officials are working with the UPND and did not vote for the PF candidates.

“A ward has 24 officials, and each branch has 24 officials. If there are 40 branches = 984 votes minimum, not even counting officials at section levels. That explains the votes UPND gets in PF strongholds because their structures vote for them,” Dr Chanda said.

He said there is need to have structures at lower organs effective and made them be patriotic to the party.

“Just shows all PF structures in this ward are working for UPND or did not vote. There’s need to be restructured. It’s a case of betrayers, Sell-Outs, traitors we see you,” he added.

The PF got an embarrassing three votes compared to over 9,000 by UPND in Mwanza ward, Monze in Southern Province.

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