Luapula to host investment expo

CHOMBA MUSIKA, Lusaka IN A quest to attract investors from China, Turkey and South Africa, an inaugural investment expo is set for Luapula Province this year. Luapula Province Minister Nickson Chilangwa said the expo, which will be held in July, is a government flagship initiative to showcase the investment potential in that area. Mr Chilangwa

Mei Mei change of plan irks Lungu

CHISHALA MUSONDA, Ndola COPPERBELT Minister Bowman Lusambo says President Lungu is disappointed with a Chinese company, Mei Mei Investments, for backtracking on its initial plans to set up a US $150 million mini-city along the Ndola-Kitwe dual carriageway. The mini city on a piece of land next to Levy Mwanawasa Stadium was to comprise houses,

Mei Mei change of plan irks Lungu

CHISHALA MUSONDA, Ndola COPPERBELT Minister Bowman Lusambo says President Lungu is disappointed with a Chinese company, Mei Mei Investments, for backtracking on its initial plans to set up a US $150 million mini-city along the Ndola-Kitwe dual carriageway. The mini city on a piece of land next to Levy Mwanawasa Stadium was to comprise houses,

America’s politics worth emulating

FORMER Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s presence on Capitol Hill during the swearing-in of her former opponent Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States showed how mature democracy is in that country. Mrs Clinton, who was accompanied by her husband Bill, former US President, and top aide Huma Abedin, was under

Man’s private parts slit

KALUNGA MUSONDA & MUBANGA NONDO, Ndola AN 88-YEAR-OLD man of Serenje is nursing serious razor blade cuts on his private parts in Serenje District Hospital after he was beaten on allegations that he is a wizard. Central Province commissioner of police Lombe Kamukoshi said yesterday in an interview that her officers received a report of
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