Government for all

THAT Government will this year construct a 237 kilometre road to connect Kalomo, Dundumwezi, Itezhi-Itezhi and Namwala in Southern Province is very good news to the people living in the four constituencies and beyond. Kalomo, where Dundumwezi is based, is the agriculture hub of the Southern Province. Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development Ronald Chitotela

Zambians getting equal share of national cake – Chilufya

KABANDA CHULU & ELIZABETH CHATUVELA, Mongu INFRASTRUCTURE development projects being implemented across Zambia are a demonstration of commitment by President Lungu to distribute wealth equitably, Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya has said. Dr Chilufya said Government is determined to ensure workers in the health sector are empowered with appropriate skills and morale to deliver quality

Dundumwezi road construction starts this year

CATHERINE MUMBA, Kalomo & JIMMY CHIBUYE, Kazungula GOVERNMENT will this year construct a 237 kilometre road to connect Kalomo, Dundumwezi, Itezhi-Itezhi and Namwala in Southern Province at a cost of K220 million, Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development Ronald Chitotela has said. And Southern Province Minister Edify Hamukale is disappointed with some United Party for

Learn from US politicians’ maturity, Zambians told

CHOMBA MUSIKA, Lusaka THE House of Chiefs has urged Zambian politicians to emulate the politics of civility exhibited during the inauguration of the United States’ 45th President Donald Trump last Friday. House of Chiefs chairperson Chief Ntambu urged politicians in the country to emulate the political maturity exhibited by Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton following

State ponders more incentives for workers

KABANDA CHULU, Kalabo GOVERNMENT is reviewing the retention policy on civil servants to include various incentives with priority to be given to those serving in rural areas, Public Service Management Division permanent secretary Boniface Chimbwali has said. Mr Chimbwali said Government will continue appreciating workers serving in rural areas. He was speaking in an interview
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