HH to name running mate?

Speculation is rife that UPND presidential candidate and main challenger to President Edgar Lungu is set to announce his running mate at a press briefing to be held at the Party’s secretariat in Lusaka at 09:30 hours. The opposition leader has so far kept the nation guessing as to who his second-in-command will be should

Female legislators tackle child marriage, GBV

BENEDICT TEMBO, Lusaka GERTRUDE Imenda, then as Luena member of Parliament and her Munali constituency counterpart Nkandu Luo, acknowledged that Zambia was facing unique issues of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). These concerns are limited access to sexual and reproductive health information and services among young people, teenage pregnancy and child marriage, gender-based

Namwala bans livestock movement

KELLY NJOMBO, Lusaka IN AN effort to reduce livestock diseasesoutbreaks, Namwala District Council has banned the movement of animals in the area. Currently, the district, which is alleged to have the largest cattle population of over 139,000, has in the recent past recorded livestock disease outbreaks such as the foot-and-mouth disease. Namwala District Council environmental
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