Cardinal Mazombwe Foundation formed

Friends of the late Cardinal Mazombwe has formed a foundation called the Cardinal Mazombwe Foundation in honour of the late and former Arch Bishop of Lusaka Diocese of the Catholic Church, Cardinal Joseph Medardo Mazombwe. And Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB) Secretary General, Cleophas Lungu, has described the late Medardo Joseph Cardinal Mazombwe as

Former Kalabo Secondary School Pupils comes to the School’s rescue

The Former Kalabo Secondary School Pupils’ Association (FOKASHA) Patron, Marvin Mwanamwambwa, has commended Trade Kings for its efforts in uplifting the standards of the school. Judge Mwanamwambwa, who is also Deputy Chief Justice, says the company’s continued support towards the school is highly appreciated. He said this when Trade Kings donated assorted cleaning materials to

Edwin Lifwekelo Dumps UPND and rejoins PF

UPND Deputy Spokesman Edwin Lifwekelo has re-joined the Patriotic Front. Mr Lifwekelo made the move to the PF along with some Kabwata UPND Constituency officials. The receiving ceremony was held at Chrismar Hotel in Lusaka. The defectors were received by PF Member of the Central Committee and Chairperson for Elections Jean Kapata. Mr Lifwekelo was one
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