Our r/ship with the IMF still remains healthy and intact ;Ministry of Finance says

ZAMBIA’s relationship with the IMF still remains healthy and intact, says the Ministry of Finance.And the Ministry says It’s recall of Dr Baidini does not not entail the closure of the Resident office.In a statement issued by Ministry of Finance Head of Public Relations Chileshe Kandeta, the Fund has already communicated to the Ministry about Dr Dr Baidini’s replacement.“Our relationship with the Fund is healthy and intact and the IMF Resident Office in Zambia will remain operational beyond the tour of duty of Dr. Baldini, who has been recalled by the IMF in Washington for redeployment,”Kandeta said.“His departure at the end of the month [August 2018], does not entail the closure of the Resident Office. To clarify this, the Fund has communicated to the Ministry that a new IMF Resident Representative will be sent to Zambia for duty.”Kandeta said an IMF Staff Mission will be coming in the third quarter for Article 4 Consultations.And Ministry of Finance has thanked Dr. Baldini for his service in Zambia, especially for supporting and facilitating training programme for economists in the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Zambia. Post Views: 2

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