Nevers Mumba Set To Work With PF?

Nevers Mumba is set to dump the United Party for National Development(UPND) for greener pastures in the Patriotic Front(PF). Nevers Mumba’s assistant Clement Siame has told his close associates about the development.

A source who has opted to remain anonymous said Siame has been telling friends that Dr Mumba has been having secret meetings with Local Government Minister Vincent Mwale who is pushing for President Edgar Lungu to meet the embattled former MMD president.

The source said Mumba has started distancing himself from the purported alliance with the UPND as continuing to do so would compromise his schemes to talk to President Lungu.

He said Siame has gone further to brag that the courts will rule in favour of Nevers Mumba in the case were he has challenged the convention which ousted him from office because part of the deal includes delivering MMD to PF like he did with his party which he delivered to the then ruling party MMD.

“Dr Mumba has been making efforts to meet President Edgar Lungu with the help of Local Government Minister Vincent Mwale and PF SG Davis Mwila.

“Siame the assistant to Dr Mamba has been bragging to us that Vincent Mwale has visited Dr Mumba twice seeking President Lungu’s intervention in the court case so that the courts rule in his favour. The perceived mobilisation of the MMD has not sat too well with PF members who feel a stronger MMD is an enemy and Dr Mumba has capitalised on the fear of the PF to make certain demands and promises for himself.”

The source said Davis Mwila is also being used as he has been told that despite having a lot of MPs in Eastern Province, the PF law makers have failed to turn the structures of the former ruling party into PF structures hence making MMD a formidable party in the province.

He said Vincent and several MPs wants the confusion in the MMD to continue because they risk losing their seats in 2021 if MMD fields its own candidates.

Nevers Mumba has not been seen with his political associates for over three months now.

Recently the UPND and its alliance partners held a press briefing but Dr Mumba was absent as he was in Kitwe relaunching his “Zambia Shall Be Saved”.

Read this article from the original source: Nevers Mumba Set To Work With PF?.

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