Nchanga Open Pit Blast Damages 26 Houses In Chingola

Chingola’s Buntungwa ward Councillor Solo Mumba says over 26 houses in his have been damaged after a blast at the Konkola Copper Mines Nchanga Open Pit mine.

Mumba, who has in the recent past been critical of blasts at Konkola Copper Mines Nchanga Open Pit, said the activities have led to many cracked houses in Njanji area.

He said most residents have had their houses damaged with windows broken living the community in fear of their lives.

Mumba explained that flying stones crushed onto roofs of six houses resulting in destruction of the roofing sheets and some household properties on which the stones landed.

He said due to vibrations, 20 houses also had their windows shuttered.

Mumba has accused the mine of abusing the residents in its operations by abrogating the mine regulations.

“As I tell you there was a blast and over 26 houses have been destroyed here. This is very sad and unfortunate because I have been talking about this for a long time and no one seems to be helping,” Mumba said.

When contacted for a comment, KCM Cooperate Affairs Manager Eugine Chungu said only seven houses had their roofs damaged contrary to the 26 as revealed by the area councilor.

He said the company is still assessing the extent of the damage and once completed repair works will be undertaken on the damaged houses.

“Well it is not true that the houses are 26 we only know of the 7 and as I speak to you now, we are still assessing the extent of damage and once completed repair works will be undertaken,” Chungu said.

The post Nchanga Open Pit Blast Damages 26 Houses In Chingola appeared first on Zambia Reports.

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