Mwila Warns Inactive PF Party Leaders

THE ruling party will not entertain dormant or non-performing leaders in its structures because it has a huge task of mobilising the party from grass root level ahead of the 2021 elections, Patriotic Front (PF) secretary general, Davies Mwila has warned.

Mr Mwila said dormant or non-performing leaders at various levels of the party should pave way for those who were ready to mobilise the party at grass root level and defend President Edgar Lungu from disgruntled politicians.

The PF secretary general was speaking yesterday in Lufwanyama district when he kicked-off the party mobilisation programme at Lufwanyama Boarding School which was attended by deputy PF director of media Antonio Mwanza, Copperbelt Minister Bowman
Lusambo, Works and Supply Minister Mathew Nkhuwa.

Mr Mwila said the party had decided to kick-off the party mobilisation programme in the opposition constituency so that party leaders and members in the area could step up their efforts to gain the support of the people.

“Instead of kicking off the party mobilisation campaign in Ndola or Kitwe, we decided to do it here in the rural area which is also an opposition stronghold so that we can help our party structures to double up their efforts to turn Lufwanyama into a PF stronghold.

“2018 is the year for party mobilisation and so we need loyal and committed leaders. We will not entertain dormant or non-performing leaders in the party because we have a huge task of mobilising the party. 2021 will not be easy,” Mr Mwila said.

Mr Mwila said the party needed vibrant women and youth wings which would take the party to greater heights, saying the women and youth wings in some district had been so dormant.

“The party does not belong to the main body. It belongs to the women and youth wings. The women chairperson should mobilize the women, while the youth chairperson should mobilise the youth wing. Some of you, you have gone to sleep for a long time.

“A youth wing should be vibrant. Look at Kennedy Kamba, at least we hear about them, not some of you. You need to change.

It is just that age has caught up with me. When I was youth chairman, I was vibrant,” he said.

Mr Mwila urged PF MPs and ministers to work with the party structures in their constituencies in addressing challenges that they may face while carrying out party programmes.

“I am happy that we have MPs here. I am urging MPs and ministers to work with the party structures. Help them in various ways because they face a lot of challenges,” he said,

He said the party had given out 120 bicycles to each PF constituency for improved mobility of party leaders and also 40,000 books to each PF constituency.

Read this article from the original source: Mwila Warns Inactive PF Party Leaders.

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