By Wilson Mulinda

Two time Africa Motor rally champion MUNA SINGH Senior has died.

SINGH, 53, died in India after an illness.

Zambia Motor Sports Association -ZMSA- President SAM CHINGAMBU has confirmed the development to ZNBC news.

CHINGAMBU said this is a tough time for the Motorsport family because SINGH was a valued member.

And Government has described the late SINGH Senior as a legendary rally ace who raised the country’s flag on the continent with impeccable driving.

Sports Minister ELVIS NKANDU said SINGH’s immense contribution to the growth of the motorsport rally will forever be cherished.

NKANDU has sent his condolence to the bereaved family and the Zambia motorsport rally fraternity on the loss of a legend.

SINGH also won the national championship 9 times.

He is survived by 5 children and a wife.

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