Multichoice ZAMCOM partner over talent Factory

Multichoice logoMulti Choice has partnered with the Zambia Institute of Mass Communication (ZAMCOM) in the implementation of the Company’s Talent Factory Academy.

The Southern Region Multichoice Talent Factory  will bring the best of creative ability from 20 young men and women picked from the Southern Africa Countries which include Angola, Namibia and Zambia among others.

In the Partnership, Multichoice will refurbish the ZAMCOM studios and furnish it with state of the art   equipment while the ZAMCOM will offer training and accommodation for the 13 foreign and 7 Zambian students beginning this October.

Multichoice Talent Factory Academy Director Berry Lwando says the programme is set up to equip the selected 20m students  with skills, knowledge, experience and qualifications to help launch a successful career with the creative industry.

And Multichoice Regional Director Nyiko Shibhuri says the company will continue to support the growth of the film industry in Africa.

He says Multichoice believes the new generation of films makers  and TV professions will rise to stardom if given an opportunity.

And ZAMCOM Director Charles Mubanga says the southern Region MTF Academy will set as a  yardstick for the whole continent.

Multichoice will announce the 20 successful applicants from the six southern African Countries selected in the first ever Multichoice Talent Factory Academy while the academy will open in October, 2018.

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