By Ruth Chayinda:

Over 78 thousand children above 12 years have so far been vaccinated against COVID 19.

Health Minister Sylvia Masebo says of the 78 thousand, 1-thousand 5-hundred have received the second dose.

Ms. Masebo has since commended the parents for allowing their children to get the jab.

She says the Ministry continues to work with the ministry of education to ensure vaccines are made available to the children.

The minister was speaking when she gave an update on the country’s COVID 19 status where she announced that Zambia has recorded 2 deaths and 70 new COVID cases out 1-thousand 3-hundred and 12 tests conducted.

Ms Masebo said despite a reduction in Covid 19 cases, the threat of a continued outbreak cannot be undermined and has urged the public to continue adhering to the guidelines

She said Northern Province has recorded the highest followed by eastern province, while the rest of the provinces recorded single digit cases.

Meanwhile, Ms Masebo has advised the public to take the cholera vaccine.

She said the oral cholera vaccine and COVID vaccine can be done alongside each other.

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