(ZANIS) Information and Media Permanent Secretary KENNEDY KALUNGA has appealed to media houses to be professional and uphold media ethics in their operations.

Mr. KALUNGA says the government has freed the media to set its own editorial agenda and should therefore be responsible in their reporting.

He was speaking in Luanshya today, when he visited Roan FM, a new radio station currently undergoing test transmission.

Mr. KALUNGA said the government has further restored the safety of journalists and further supported and facilitated media efforts to come up with self-regulatory mechanisms aimed at strengthening the media profession.

He urged the new radio station to uphold and follow laid down guidelines of the test transmission.

And Roan FM Director NONDE MWAMBA appealed to Mr. KALUNGA to help mushrooming stations with a credit line for them to access equipment that can be paid for over a period of time.

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