By Sharon Kunda- Information and Broadcasting Services Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga says there is need for media institutions to reposition themselves to provide accurate information as the country heads to the polls in August.

Mr. Malupenga says there is risk of the public being misled by false information peddled on social media.

He says there is need for the country to invest more in proper journalism so that journalists provide well processed information to the public.

He says it is worrying that social media has taken center stage and that people are being misled by half-baked information and lies on social media.

Mr. Malupenga said this when he conducted a tour of Zambia Institute of Mass Communication Education Trust -ZAMCOM- and Zamcom Lodge in Lusaka today.

He has called on Zamcom NOT to lose sight of its initial mandate to provide in-house training to media practitioners.

Mr. Malupenga said there have been lots of complaints on the falling standards in the practice of journalism.

He said there is the need for training institutions such as Zamcom to intensify interactions with the industry to identify where the gaps are.

Mr. Malupenga has further called for revisiting of the curriculum to meet the needs of the time.

And Zamcom Board Chairperson Robert Makola said the Institution has developed capacity to up skill practicing media practitioners in any area of interest.

Mr. Makola said with the support of the Ministry of Information through a capital grant of one million leach a in December 2018, Zamcom has acquired basic broadcasting equipment which is helping the institution execute its mandate of training in media through hands on.


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