‘Maintain Zambia as an attractive investment destination’ Investors told

The Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure Development has called upon local and regional private sector investors and developers to partner with government in exploiting the boundless opportunities that the government continues to create in the economy.

Speaking during the opening of the third annual ZAMREAL property forum in Lusaka, ministry of housing and infrastructure development human resource director for administration, William Katongo who spoke on behalf of the minister said there is need to work together in efforts to maintain Zambia as an attractive investment destination.

He says this will ensure that Zambia continues to lead the way in attracting foreign direct investment to deliver housing units, roads, schools and many other economic and social infrastructures that people desire.

Mr Katongo says government believes that an event such as the ZAMREAL property forum is critical in creating platforms for the public sector to work with the private sector to create a framework for real estate and infrastructure development in the country.

He states that government will continue to promote competitiveness and generally a conducive business environment in order to encourage investment in the country.

Speaking at the same event, Carl Collet, Partner for Urban Africa Real Estate Group says the forum will help in understanding the impact of key infrastructure projects such as the Lusaka decongestion project and the re-development of international airports among others.

Mr Collet says the forum will also help create ideas on many issues among others interpreting the impact of new policy initiatives from investment incentives.

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