Lusitu Irrigation Dam in terms of whole

Constructions works on the Four.2 million United States greenbacks World bank funded Lusitu irrigation dam venture in Chirundu district is in terms of whole with fully 20 p.c of the venture remaining.
Minister of Agriculture Michael Katambo says he is impressed with the bolt of works and is confident that the contractor, Savenda Administration Companies and products will whole the venture on schedule.
Mr. Katambo acknowledged the most predominant aim of the venture is to enhance the ability of minute-scale farmers to bewitch in irrigation farming because the salvage 22 situation has become at risk of dry spells resulted in by local climate alternate.
He acknowledged this all the blueprint thru a tour of Lusitu Irrigation Dam in Chirundu district.
Mr. Katambo acknowledged irrigation farming has the doable to create employment and alleviate poverty in the country, particularly in rural areas.

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